Nikko Samson


Solution driven data analyst with knowledge in Power BI and Data Science tools seeking for an opportunity to utilize skillset.

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Predicting Sales Probability Using Logistic Regression

This is a simple demonstration of using Python and DS libraries inside Power BI to create a simple machine learning model and matplotlib visuals.

Task: Create a sales predictor for fictional company Smithy GmbH


The dataset consists of a records from completed projects with columns project name, amount, start and end date, its difference, and a binary indicator of sales success.


Logistic regression is appropriate since the task is binary - to predict wether sales is or not closed based on the current project life. The logicstic regression formula can be interpreted as: what is the probability that a random project Y is closed, given the current X project life.

The dataset is divided for learning and validation with a ratio of 85/15.


A new dataset of ongoing projects is loaded on this page. The inquiry column is subtracted to the current date at the time of screenshot, to get project life and evaluate in the predictor model.